Saturday, March 6, 2010


Its another summary of the week since i actually have no time to update my blog here daily.Well,i can't say much about this week since it was almost the same as week before.Really packed i can say.Full of tests and quizzes.Study done till the dawn.As almost people says,to gain something ,a little sacrifice need to be contributed.Well,i believe in that quote in the first place,but in the end it is my own mistake that couldn't understand the inner or deeper meaning of the quote. What i am actually doing is that i am sacrificing my time,space and soul in the very last minutes hoping that  whatever i sacrifice will remain fresh till the day of the battle.And yet, i am losing in the battle field.Classes went well throughout the week.Living the day when you realize that you are the loser kinda mphhh..I can't explain the feeling.From time to time the sincere smile on my face faded.And the feeling of giving up rose from grave.Hopes and dreams that i carry on my shoulder keeps my mind sharp about the reality of life.Yesterday is a history that will be remembered throughout lifetime, today is the reality that one's should be deal with and tomorrow is mystery that one's doesn't know about and one's should prepare for.As for now,I am sure for now that i am ok with my finance problem.On the friday evening however, trimonster team(my team) had a football match against Facebook.We were defeated physically and emotionally..That was really bad from the previous game.Right after the game,i suffered from a bad illness.I couldn't endure it .Seriously i am weak.On saturday night I went to Festival of colors of the world.Dance performance actually.My eyes and heart(feeling) were both got their attention.
Sorry.. :)..What i can't stand the most within this week was that i made my parents worried about me and couldn't help my sister when she was really in trouble.I am greatly sorry.

1 comment:

Asroy said...

wats that?? blurr...


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